Brand Disconnect
During previous start ups we’ve always faced the same uphill struggle when it comes to securing brand-aligned handles on social media.
With no clear structured route to safely & securely acquiring handles, we were scammed multiple times for thousands of dollars.

Brand Disconnect
We exited our last company ‘Bannerfy’ in 2021 to SLGG and in the process, noticed how seamlessly they were able to absorb ownership of our social handles & accounts.
We began structuring a standardised framework for brands to be able to secure handles from channel owners without purchasing accounts directly.

Brand Disconnect
With Elon Musk drawing attention to the sheer volume of inactive/locked accounts on social platforms, we realised that our solution would benefit both brands & platforms.
We created Socialbroker - a platform to help brands obtain & secure their social media identity with handle solutions for both active & inactive accounts.